Fun Weekend in Detroit!!!
We went up to Detroit on Friday for Bryan's cousin Crystal's Wedding. The Bride was BEAUTIFUL!!! as well as the location. On Saturday we had a fun time with Bryan's Dad and Step-Mom (Pork and Kathy). We went to the Henry Ford Museum!!! AWESOME and saw some really neat things! We came home on Sunday to an upcoming very busy week.... So I guess we are back to normal now, But we had fun while it lasted!!! Our next break for us will be coming around Thanksgiving, we are going with my parents down to Arkansas to go deer hunting so I hope to have some Fun Pictures for that!!! Also this Past weekend was Cader Cates Birthday (Cadence for those who don't know her) So take a peak at Becky's blog to see the
1 year-old Birthday Girl!!!
The Bride (Crystal) and Groom (Nathan)!!!

The String Courtet they had playing before the Wedding!!!! (FANCY)
Beautiful Water during the reception!!!
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